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When to Keep Your Child Home From School


In order to provide our students with a healthy environment in which to learn, these guidelines should be followed:

 Update - Since Mansfield School District now has the School-Based Wellness Center, pls call your school nurse if your child has any of the symptoms below.  Your School Nurse can talk you through the procedure for students needing to go to the clinic.

1.  If a child complains before school of not feeling well, take his/her temperature and keep the child home if the temperature exceeds 99.9 degrees Farenheit.

2.  If a child complains with stomach disorders such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, he/she should not be sent to school as stomach viruses are contagious.

3.  If a child has a rash of unknown origin or has a suspected condition {such as chicken pox}, which may be contagious, do not send him/her to school until a physician has diagnosed the condition.


If you are unsure about any of the above items, or have questions or concerns please call me at 928-4451.